Product Profile > SolarMill®

The SolarMill™ is a hybrid wind and solar device with the TurboMill® technology combined with a solar panel. Hybrid technology offers an advantage of stable 24 hour power production capability thus minimizing backup battery storage requirement. The system offers maximum power output per square foot are easy to mount on any building. Various installed capacities are possible using combination of Wind and Solar Component. The one shown in the picture is a combination of one Wind Component containing 3 rotating turbines and one Solar Panel of 60 cells. Each Wind Component offers Maximum Turbine Power output of 500 W at 17 m/s and each solar component produces maximum power of 245 W.

About IndoGreenEnviro Pvt. Ltd.

IndoGreenEnviro is pioneer in marketing of environment-friendly Green technologies in India and has active interest in the fields of waste recycling / tyre recycling, environmentally-friendly electricity generation, atmospheric water generation...




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