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US EPA Recognizes TSCo as Leading Green Power User

Tractor Supply Company, the largest rural lifestyle retailer in the United States, announced that it recently joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership.

December 04, 2021. By News Bureau

Tractor Supply Company, the largest rural lifestyle retailer in the United States, announced that it recently joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership.

Tractor Supply is using more than 61 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, which is enough green power to meet 15 percent of the Company’s electricity use.

“Tractor Supply is honored to be recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” said Noni Ellison, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary. “Using green power helps us reduce air pollution and lower our emissions footprint, which is an important step as we work towards our vision of a more sustainable future. Being named a Green Power Partner is validation for our commitment in creating energy and carbon efficiencies in our stores and distribution centers.”

Earlier this year, Tractor Supply set new sustainability goals to reduce carbon emissions, while committing to achieving net zero emissions in operations by 2040.

Sourcing more green power for stores and distribution centers is the primary component of its Scope 2 emissions strategy. The Company is prioritizing the procurement of green power with its energy suppliers where possible as options to buy green power remain limited in many parts of the country where Tractor Supply stores are located.

By choosing green power, Tractor Supply is helping advance the voluntary market for green power and development of those sources.

Green power is electricity generated from environmentally preferable renewable resources, such as wind, solar, geothermal, biogas, eligible biomass, and low-impact hydro.

By moving the needle in the voluntary green power market, Tractor Supply Company and other Green Power Partners are helping to reduce the negative health impacts of air emissions including those related to ozone, fine particles, acid rain and regional haze.

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