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NHPC Invites Bids for 125 MW/500 MWh BESS Projects with VGF Support in Kerala
NHPC Ltd. has issued a tender for the selection of battery energy storage system (BESS) developers for setting up of 125 MW/500 MWh InSTS-connected standalone BESS in Kerala under TBCB with Viability Gap Funding (VGF) support. The last date for submission of bids is February 14, 2025.
January 23, 2025. By Mrinmoy Dey

NHPC Ltd. has floated a tender for the selection of battery energy storage system (BESS) developers for setting up of 125 MW/500 MWh InSTS-connected standalone BESS in Kerala under TBCB with Viability Gap Funding (VGF) support (NHPC-Tranche-I-BESS) (2024-25). The project must be set up in a build, own and operate (BOO) basis.
The total capacity of 500 MWh will be awarded for injection at InSTS substations in the 4 locations across the state of Kerala. The capacity for the 220kV Substation in Areacode will be 35 MW/140 MWh. The capacity in 220kV Substation in Pothencode and 110kV Substation Sreekantapuram will be 40 MW/160 MWh, each. The capacity in the 110kV Substation in Ambalappuram will be 10 MW/40 MWh.
Bid submission starts on February 3, 2025 and ends on February 14, 2025. The techno-commercial bids will be opened on February 19, 2025.
The bid processing fees varies according to the capacity for which bids are placed. For 40 MWh, the processing fee will be INR 3 lakh. For capacities above 40 MWh and up to 100 MWh, the processing fee will be INR 5 lakh. For capacities above 100 MWh and up to 250 MWh, the processing fee will be INR 10 lakh and for capacities above 250 MWh and up to 500 MWh, the processing fee will be INR 20 lakh. For all the above fees, an additional payment for GST at 18 percent is applicable.
Bidders also need to furnish INR 3.41 lakh/MWh in the form of DD/BG/POI/Insurance Surety Bond subject to maximum of INR 10 crore as an earnest money deposit (EMD).
The total project capacity of 125 MW/500 MWh must be located in the vicinity of substations of the STU network in Kerala as mentioned above.
The bidder must deploy commercially established and operational technologies to minimise the technology risk and to achieve commissioning of the projects.
The net worth of the bidder should be equal to or greater than the value calculated at the rate of INR 34 lakh/MWh of the quoted capacity for the previous financial year in which bids are issued or as on the day not more than 7 days prior to date of bid submission.
The bidder must possess a minimum annual turnover of INR 17.05 lakh/MWh of the quoted capacity during the previous financial year. The company also need to show internal resource generation capability, in the form of Profit Before Depreciation Interest and Taxes (PBDIT) for a minimum amount of INR 3.41 lakh/MWh of the quoted capacity, as on the last date of previous financial year.
The company also need to furnish in-principle sanction letter from the lending institutions/banks of the bidder for the project quoted under this RfS, committing a Line of Credit (fund based) for a minimum amount of INR 4.26 lakh/MWh of the quoted capacity, towards meeting the working capital requirement of the project.
The total capacity of 500 MWh will be awarded for injection at InSTS substations in the 4 locations across the state of Kerala. The capacity for the 220kV Substation in Areacode will be 35 MW/140 MWh. The capacity in 220kV Substation in Pothencode and 110kV Substation Sreekantapuram will be 40 MW/160 MWh, each. The capacity in the 110kV Substation in Ambalappuram will be 10 MW/40 MWh.
Bid submission starts on February 3, 2025 and ends on February 14, 2025. The techno-commercial bids will be opened on February 19, 2025.
The bid processing fees varies according to the capacity for which bids are placed. For 40 MWh, the processing fee will be INR 3 lakh. For capacities above 40 MWh and up to 100 MWh, the processing fee will be INR 5 lakh. For capacities above 100 MWh and up to 250 MWh, the processing fee will be INR 10 lakh and for capacities above 250 MWh and up to 500 MWh, the processing fee will be INR 20 lakh. For all the above fees, an additional payment for GST at 18 percent is applicable.
Bidders also need to furnish INR 3.41 lakh/MWh in the form of DD/BG/POI/Insurance Surety Bond subject to maximum of INR 10 crore as an earnest money deposit (EMD).
The total project capacity of 125 MW/500 MWh must be located in the vicinity of substations of the STU network in Kerala as mentioned above.
The bidder must deploy commercially established and operational technologies to minimise the technology risk and to achieve commissioning of the projects.
The net worth of the bidder should be equal to or greater than the value calculated at the rate of INR 34 lakh/MWh of the quoted capacity for the previous financial year in which bids are issued or as on the day not more than 7 days prior to date of bid submission.
The bidder must possess a minimum annual turnover of INR 17.05 lakh/MWh of the quoted capacity during the previous financial year. The company also need to show internal resource generation capability, in the form of Profit Before Depreciation Interest and Taxes (PBDIT) for a minimum amount of INR 3.41 lakh/MWh of the quoted capacity, as on the last date of previous financial year.
The company also need to furnish in-principle sanction letter from the lending institutions/banks of the bidder for the project quoted under this RfS, committing a Line of Credit (fund based) for a minimum amount of INR 4.26 lakh/MWh of the quoted capacity, towards meeting the working capital requirement of the project.
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