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Mozambique Government Bets Big on the Potential of Renewable Energy

The Mozambican Renewable Energy Association (AMER), the Lusophone Renewable Energy Association (ALER), and the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) organised the Business Conference - Renewables in Mozambique 2022 in Maput.

December 09, 2022. By News Bureau

The Mozambican Renewable Energy Association (AMER), the Lusophone Renewable Energy Association (ALER), and the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) organised the Business Conference - Renewables in Mozambique on 6-7 December 2022 in Maputo, with the support of GET.invest Mozambique, funded by the European Union and Germany, and part of the European programme GET.invest.​
By the end of 2022, it is estimated that the total electrification rate in Mozambique will reach 44%. The government is committed to providing all Mozambicans with high-quality, affordable and sustainable electricity by 2030, and, for this purpose, launched the Energy for All Programme, coordinated by the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME). Off-grid solutions are expected to play a key role to achieve this goal. Set to support the energy access goals through the promotion of renewable energy, the two-day business conference gathered the Mozambican public and private sectors as well as other national and international actors.
The event kicked off with opening remarks from Teodoro Vales, Permanent Secretary of MIREME; Antonino Maggiore, Head of the Delegation of European Union (EU) to Mozambique; Lothar Freischlader, German Ambassador; Ricardo Pereira, President of AMER; Mayra Pereira, President of ALER; and David Lecoque, CEO of ARE.
The high-level panel on the Mozambican Renewable Energy Market took place on the first day of the event and was followed by a handful of insightful panels and sessions. The programme continued with sessions on market scoping and opportunities for on-grid and off-grid sectors.
Stressing the potential of renewable energy resources in Mozambique, Lothar Freischlader, German Ambassador to Mozambique said "The German Government is committed to supporting Mozambique with a portfolio of 240 million EUR in projects in the sustainable energy sector, thus contributing to a fair energy transition. We would like to congratulate the Mozambican Government for the significant improvements to the regulatory framework of the energy sector in the last year with the publication of the new National Electricity Law and the Regulation of Access to Energy in rural areas, which aim to adapt the legal framework for the challenges of universal access to energy and create conditions for opening up the energy sector to private investments.”

“We are very glad that Mozambique joins the ElectriFI family together with many other African countries. Out of the 113 million EUR of committed investments through country windows, we are proud to say that 75% are for investment projects in sub-Saharan Africa. In adhering to this initiative, Mozambique, the national private sector and international investors will take advantage of the network of 15 European Development Finance Institutions (EDFIs) from EU Member States, which have joined forces and are jointly managing this initiative. This great opportunity will help channel liquidity from DFIs and commercial funders to the private sector in Mozambique.” said Antonino Maggiore, European Union Ambassador to the Republic of Mozambique.
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