HomeSolar manufacturing ›LONGi Tops in Solar Module Supplier to India List in 2020 with 15.6% Market Share

LONGi Tops in Solar Module Supplier to India List in 2020 with 15.6% Market Share

In a significant development, mono-crystalline solar cells and modules manufacturer LONGi Solar has grabbed the top position in the solar photovoltaic (PV) module supplier to India list in 2020 with 15.6 per cent market share of total shipments, as per a recent study by consultancy firm JMK Research.

March 09, 2021. By Manu Tayal

In a significant development, mono-crystalline solar cells and modules manufacturer LONGi Solar has grabbed the top position in the solar photovoltaic (PV) module supplier to India list in 2020 with 15.6 per cent market share of total shipments, as per a recent study by consultancy firm JMK Research.

As per the JMK’s report, total module shipments in 2020 stood at 9,478 MW, and LONGi was the largest supplier followed by Jinko Solar, Adani, Waaree and Vikram Solar with 12.7 per cent, 10.2 per cent, 7.2 per cent and 5.6 per cent market share, respectively.

In JMK Research report, the solar module suppliers have been ranked on the basis of their shipment/ supplies in India market from Jan-Dec 2020 period. It also includes all module supplies to utility scale, onsite, offgrid as well as solar pumping segment.

On the achievement, LONGi Solar said that, in 2019, it was just trying to set up its footprint as a module supplier in India. But, in a short span of less than two years, it has emerged as one of the leading module suppliers in the country, catering to more than 15 per cent of the annual solar power market.

The Chinese vertically integrated solar module manufacturer supplied more than 1,500 MW (DC) of modules in 2020.

In addition to its number one position in utility projects, the company has also gained a good market share in the rooftop solar market.

Commenting on the company’s business, Pradeep Kumar – Director India and Sri Lanka for LONGi’s Solar division, said that “2020 will be a memorable year for LONGi’s business in India. We sincerely thank all our partners and customers who made this possible. In 2020, LONGi was also ranked number one in terms of global shipment. LONGi is the highest spender on R&D in the PV industry and we work tirelessly to provide our customers with the best technology for their projects.”

According to data received from market players, 2020 was the first year where the shipment of high efficiency mono PERC modules in India overtook that of multi crystalline modules. Key factors contributing to this significant market shift from multi to mono are the narrowing price differences between the two, higher efficiency of mono modules and the complete shift to mono production by leading Chinese suppliers. 

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