Huawei to Supply Technology to One of the Largest RES Power Plants Europe
The largest hybrid farm in Central and Eastern Europe will be built in Poland, to develop the plant's technological infrastructure, Huawei will supply 710 string inverters and 23 smart transformer stations.
March 02, 2023. By News Bureau

The annual production will supply electricity to more than 100,000 households and reduce CO2 emissions by nearly 160 tons. To develop the plant's technological infrastructure, Huawei will supply 710 string inverters and 23 smart transformer stations.
The hybrid farm is being built on post-mining land in Kleczew, Wielkopolska Voivodeship.
Kleczew Solar & Wind is located on post-mining land and will be one of the largest renewable energy parks in Central and Eastern Europe and the first project in Poland, on such a large scale, to combine photovoltaic and wind technologies.
The first phase of construction includes the construction of a 193 MWp photovoltaic power plant and a 12 MW wind power plant. As part of the investment, Huawei will supply 23 smart transformer stations and 710 inverters, one of the key components of the photovoltaic power plant.
The assumed annual energy yield from the photovoltaic power plant is about 222 GWh and about 47 GWh from the wind farm. The hybrid farm in Kleczew will be able to supply energy needs of more than 100,000 households.
Huawei has been consistently involved in the development of modern energy sector with smart photovoltaic solutions for several years. I am extremely pleased that our technologies can proactively support Poland's green transformation in such key projects as the hybrid power plant in Kleczew. This is a very important investment on the way to the full decarbonization of the Polish economy and the provision of green, clean and cost-effective energy to the entire society. - says Ryszard Hordyński, Director of Strategy and Communications at Huawei Poland.
Kleczew Solar & Wind's investor is Lewandpol Group; the asset manager is Ergy, the Electrum Group is responsible for general contracting and the implementation of the active and reactive power regulator, Renedium.
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