Hong Kong’s 1st Integrated Green Building Cloud Data Platform ‘iBEAM’ Launched
BEAM Society Ltd (BSL) has launched ‘iBEAM’, the first-ever locally developed integrated green building cloud data platform in Hong Kong.
May 15, 2021. By Manu Tayal

BEAM Society Ltd (BSL) has launched ‘iBEAM’, the first-ever locally developed integrated green building cloud data platform in Hong Kong.
The platform has been capable of analysing 4,50,000 entries of project data related to built environment and sustainable development every year. It would turn into a data warehouse for the prediction of green building development trends and making visionary suggestions for implementing sustainable development in the industry.
It also enables paperless assessment workflow through uploading all building data to a single cloud platform, which enhances transparency, security and integrity of the assessment process while reducing carbon emission, contributing to a greener built environment in Hong Kong.
In 2010, BEAM Plus, impartial assessment tool designed for the sustainability performance of buildings in Hong Kong during planning, design, construction, testing, commissioning, management, operation, and maintenance stages.
Assessment results are recognised and certified by the Hong Kong Green Building Council. To date, BEAM Plus has certified green building developments over 18.6 million square metres of space, equivalent to over 2.5 square metres per capita. It is one of the most widely used voluntary green building labelling schemes of its kind in the world on a per capita basis.
Commenting on the launch of iBEAM, Ivy LEE Siu Wing, Chairperson of BSL, said, “iBEAM will be the first-ever 24/7 project assessment submission platform in Hong Kong. It enables BSL to streamline BEAM Plus assessment process, enhances BEAM Pro experience and its efficiency, and upholds the core values of BSL – integrity, consistency and transparency.”
“BEAM Society, has been a close partner of the Government to promote green building environment ever since her establishment in the 1990s. The development and adoption of iBEAM is most welcome by the Development Bureau. iBEAM aligns with and supports our two major visions: to develop smart, green and resilient new towns; and Construction 2.0 in adopting innovation including digitalization technology for the construction industry,” said LIU Chun San, JP, Under Secretary for Development.
iBEAM is a new generation platform that collects, manages, standardises, submits, reports, discloses and processes data related to built environment and sustainable development.
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