Heliogen Collaborates with CarbonCapture to Develop Facilities that Remove CO2 Directly from Atmosphere
Heliogen, Inc., a leading provider of AI-enabled, modular concentrated solar energy systems, announced plans to collaborate with CarbonCapture Inc. to develop sustainably-powered direct air capture (DAC) facilities.
December 23, 2021. By News Bureau

As part of the relationship, the companies intend to kick off front-end engineering for the integration of Heliogen’s concentrated solar power and solid media thermal storage systems with CarbonCapture’s carbon removal technology.
The aim of the development efforts would be to efficiently and cost-effectively harness the industrial heat production capabilities of Heliogen systems for use in CarbonCapture DAC systems.
“Heliogen’s revolutionary concentrated solar systems pair well with our breakthrough DAC technology — they are both modular, so they can be quickly sited and rapidly scaled,” said CarbonCapture CEO, Adrian Corless. “Providing clean energy to our DAC systems allows for highly efficient carbon removal—which is exactly what’s needed to maximize our ability to mitigate the effects of climate change.”
Both companies were founded under a decarbonization mission: Heliogen to decarbonize industry and CarbonCapture to decarbonize the atmosphere.
The companies work toward complementary ends — Heliogen in reducing the pace and quantity of industrial carbon emissions and CarbonCapture in removing legacy emissions from the atmosphere. Both companies also grew out of Idealab Studio, another venture of Idealab founder and Heliogen CEO, Bill Gross.
“My goal in starting Heliogen was to improve the planet for my kids, and future generations, by producing clean energy to power industry,” said Bill Gross, CEO of Heliogen. “I am excited to bring the complementary technologies of CarbonCapture and Heliogen together. Direct air capture will be an important tool in the removal of carbon dioxide from the Earth’s atmosphere, and the reversal of some of the worst impacts of climate change. Powering that effort through clean, reliable, and near-always available solar generated power and heat multiplies the good we can do for the world.”
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