EU Releases Guidance to Support Implementation of Revised Renewable Energy and Efficiency Directives
The new rules in the Renewable Energy Directive on energy system integration and electrification are key to making the energy system more flexible by integrating large shares of variable renewable electricity.
September 09, 2024. By Abha Rustagi

The European Commission has adopted four guidance documents to support European Union (EU) countries' work in transposing and implementing the revised directives on renewable energy and energy efficiency into national law.
As outlined in the ‘Accele-RES’ initiative, this package will support national administrations by providing clarity on the more complex elements of the new legislation and give a common basis for introducing the new requirements in national law, across EU countries.
The adopted guidance covers 3 areas related to the Renewable Energy Directive where progress needs to be accelerated: heating and cooling (Articles 15a, 22a, 23 & 24), energy system integration (Article 20a) , and renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) (Articles 22a, 22b & 25). Today, the Commission also adopted a guidance document relating to the heating and cooling aspects (in Article 26) of the revised Energy Efficiency Directive.
The new rules in the Renewable Energy Directive on energy system integration and electrification are key to making the energy system more flexible by integrating large shares of variable renewable electricity and by promoting electricity use in transport and heating.
The guidance on energy system integration clarifies the new requirements for electricity system operators to provide information close to real time on the renewable energy share and the greenhouse gas emissions content of the electricity supplied to end users. To enable real-time access to basic battery management information, the guidance provides clarity on the obligations for battery and electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers. It also clarifies requirements to enable smart and bi-directional recharging, and on the possibility for small and decentralised energy sources (such as EVs, stationary batteries, and heat pumps) to actively participate in electricity markets.
The guidance on the articles in the Renewable Energy Directive related to RFNBOs clarifies the targets on the consumption of RFNBOs in the industry and transport sectors. It explains the calculation of the targets, their scope, and the interlinkage between the 2 targets for industry and transport.
Heating and cooling accounts for roughly half of all the EU’s energy use. The revised Renewable Energy Directive includes targets to increase the share of renewable energy in heating and cooling, district heating and cooling, and industry, and new 2030 national benchmarks for renewable energy in buildings.
The guidance on heating and cooling clarifies the new provisions and the accounting of a higher share of renewable energy in this sector. It also provides additional explanations on how to apply the definition of waste heat in the context of the directive.
The recommendation and guidance note on heating and cooling aspects of the revised Energy Efficiency Directive clarifies how EU countries can identify efficient district heating and cooling systems. It explains ways to establish the planning obligations applicable to systems that do not fulfill the criteria for efficient district heating and cooling systems. It also clarifies how to ensure the efficient use of excess heat available from large energy consuming facilities, such as industries and data centers, which are under planning.
Increasing the efficiency and wider use of renewables in the district heating and cooling systems is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the heating and cooling sector, where nearly 3 quarters of the energy consumed is fossil fuel-based.
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