
Teksan Launches its Rental-Mobile Generator Product Family

Teksan, the innovative firm of the uninterrupted energy industry, launched its rental-mobile generator product family at Executive Hire Show.

Conventional energy gen-sets | February 22, 2022 | By News Bureau 2954 readings

Rolls-Royce Supplies mtu Generators for Non-Profit Hospital in Pakistan

Rolls-Royce has delivered three mission critical mtu diesel generator sets for two Indus Hospital & Health Network (IHHN) facilities in Karachi and Lahore,...

Conventional energy gen-sets | February 15, 2022 | By News Bureau 2472 readings

PG&E Deploys NextEra’s New Mobile Linear Generator to Replace Diesel at Napa County Microgrid

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has deployed a ‘linear generator’ - a new mobile power generation technology utilizing natural gas and...

Conventional energy gen-sets | August 31, 2021 | By Manu Tayal 2963 readings

Rolls-Royce to Deliver its First 8-Cylinder Variant of Gas Genset to Belgian Customer

The company claimed that, the new B36:45 engine offers a 20 per cent increase in power per cylinder, as compared to its predecessor, and sets a new standard...

Conventional energy gen-sets | January 19, 2021 | By Manu Tayal 2615 readings

MAN Energy Solutions announced its EGR Offered for Dual-Fuel ME-GA Engine

MAN Energy Solutions has announced that it is to offer its proprietary EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system as an emissions solution for its new, low-speed...

Conventional energy gen-sets | November 24, 2020 | By News Bureau 3235 readings

New portable generator that is soundproof, compact and easy to transport.

HIMOINSA launches the HYA3-5 M5 generator set. A portable generator that supplies 4.4kVA of PRP power, whose low fuel consumption and long running time make...

Conventional energy gen-sets | July 06, 2018 | By Moulin 3788 readings

Quieter Silent Plus generator sets, with even more running time for the rental sector.

HIMOINSA has just released the "Silent Plus" range, which reduces noise emissions without limiting the performance of the machine. The range includes...

Conventional energy gen-sets | April 21, 2017 | By Moulin 7581 readings

Volvo Penta launches new power generation engines, offering up to 800 kVA for genset market.

Volvo Penta is launching two new diesel engines – one of which has the highest power density engine per litre of displacement in its class. The TWD1645GE...

Conventional energy gen-sets | February 14, 2017 | By Moulin 7620 readings

Sterling Generators light up the lives of inhabitants of Andaman & Nicobar Island!

Sterling Generators to commission 2 x 3000 KVA generators that will provide continuous and uninterrupted electricity supply to the entire Andaman & Nicobar...

Conventional energy gen-sets | January 02, 2017 | By Moulin 8753 readings

Kirloskar Oil Engine Limited Launches new High Horse Power Gensets for the Indian Market

Kirloskar Oil Engine Limited Launches new High Horse Power Gensets for the Indian Market

Conventional energy gen-sets | December 22, 2016 | By Moulin 7610 readings

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