ComEd Trains 69 Local Residents of its CONSTRUCT Program
Chicago-based ComEd hosted members of the community, corporate leaders, and workforce partners at a ceremony for the newest cohort to graduate from the CONSTRUCT Infrastructure Academy.
April 29, 2022. By News Bureau

Chicago-based ComEd hosted members of the community, corporate leaders, and workforce partners at a ceremony for the newest cohort to graduate from the CONSTRUCT Infrastructure Academy. 69 local residents completed the training program, which prepares skilled, diverse talent for upcoming jobs in the utilities and construction fields.
Now in its 10th year of operation, the CONSTRUCT program has imparted skills training to help over 700 participants from diverse backgrounds successfully complete the program and prepare for careers in the skilled trades.
Incepted by ComEd in 2013, the CONSTRUCT program focuses on increasing the number of qualified minority candidates for construction jobs in Illinois by improving job readiness and life skills and preparing for industry-required testing.
“Delivering clean, reliable, and resilient power for the 9 million people we serve requires a strong and well-trained local workforce,” said Gil C. Quiniones, CEO, ComEd. “Through our continued investments in CONSTRUCT, ComEd taps into the strength and diversity of our communities to help us meet our clean energy demands of the future. I want to congratulate the latest graduates of the CONSTRUCT program and thank our coalition of partners who are helping diverse, local job-seekers receive the training they need for family-sustaining careers.”
CONSTRUCT gives students the necessary exposure to innovative solar and energy efficiency technologies to help prepare them to join the local future energy workforce. They gain knowledge and experience that helps qualify them for entry-level jobs with well-paying, sustainable wages.
CONSTRUCT is one of several education and training programs ComEd supports for participants before, during, and after high school.
In addition to all this, ComEd has many STEM education and college scholarship programs to enhance exposure and expand diverse participation in the energy industry careers.
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