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Alstom Grid presented P60 Agile during Grid Tech India

It\'s a new range of intelligent electronic devices (IEDs).

April 08, 2013. By Gisela Bühl

During GridTech 2013, the 4th international exhibition in India, Alstom Grid presented P60 Agile, its new range of intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) providing a comprehensive one-box solution for the complete protection, control, recording and measurement of electrical power systems. This latest novelty to come out of Alstom Grid is especially well suited to smart distribution networks and is intended for utility operators and industry.


Automating electrical substations implies the automatic acquisition and processing of data coming from the IEDs installed inside the substation. This information will help to manage the protection devices and to make faster, more efficient decisions thanks to better awareness of conditions at the substation. The P60 Agile range stands out as a compact, single box, a versatile device fulfilling a comprehensive set of all-in-one functions. The range adds to Alstom’s offer, which until now was intended for transmission grid operators.


“We are proud of this new product specifically designed to meet the needs of next-generation smart distribution networks,” said Substation Automation Solutions (SAS) Vice-President Hervé Amossé. “This launch brings customer-inspired new technology and a significant range expansion that will enable us to grow in the distribution market”.


P60 Agile offers a HMI featuring a large, fully-programmable and ergonomic colour touch-screen. P60 Agile is designed for smart networks thanks to the IEC 61850 protocol providing IED interoperability for guaranteed protection and control of all primary equipment connected to the power grids.


Alstom Grid enjoys a leading position on the substation automation market. It is amongst the top three suppliers to provide high-performance, mission-critical solutions that protect, control and monitor electrical substations for utilities and electro-intensive industries.



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