TAG: "Yokogawa "


Yokogawa to Supply Energy Management System for Yuri Green Hydrogen Project in Australia

The Yuri project is being undertaken in the Western Australian region by Yuri Operations Pty Ltd, a joint venture between ENGIE Renewables Australia Pty Ltd and Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

Yokogawa | September 22, 2023 | By News Bureau 1703

Yokogawa Invests $10M in Singaporean Venture to Develop Circular Waste Management in India with Ideation3X

Yokogawa invests Series B $10M in Singaporean venture to develop waste management in India with circular economy approach in Ideation3X Pte. Ltd. (i3X), the two companies have also signed a business collaboration agreement.

Yokogawa | February 14, 2023 | By News Bureau 2507

Yokogawa Electric Corporation Acquired Outstanding Shares of PXiSE Energy Solutions

Yokogawa Electric Corporation announces it has acquired all of the outstanding shares of PXiSE Energy Solutions LLC., a San Diego-based developer of software that enables utilities and other grid operators to deliver reliable and stable power by managing renewables and distributed energy resources (DERs) in real time.

Yokogawa | December 06, 2021 | By News Bureau 2235


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