TAG: "Urja Arpan Conclave"


Tata Power-DDL Hosts Second Edition of Urja Arpan Conclave

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL) hosted the second edition of Urja Arpan Conclave on April 24th, 2024, to commemorate the World Earth Day.

Urja Arpan Conclave | April 26, 2024 | By News Bureau 1387

TPDDL Organises its First Ever Urja Arpan Conclave

The launch of campaign aims to save the job of 10 million matured trees, which takes 1 year to convert 2.73 lakh tonnes of carbon dioxide to oxygen. This will be achieved by saving aggregated consumption of 300 MUs.

Urja Arpan Conclave | April 25, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal 2468


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