TAG: "tariff rate"
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Approves Tariff Revision for FY 2024-25

One of the notable aspects of the tariff revision is the utilization of marginal surplus identified for FY 2024-25 for readjustments across different tariff categories.
Tariff Rate | March 01, 2024 | By Abha Rustagi | 1967
ACME, Solalite among 5 winners in NTPC’s 1500 MW Hybrid Project Auction

Solalite Power Private Limited emerged as a frontrunner in the auction, securing the entire bid capacity of 300 MW at the opening L1 tariff of INR 3.35/kWh.
Tariff Rate | December 28, 2023 | By Abha Rustagi | 2157

According to the new set of rules, the Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Projects are slated for commissioning within a period of 24 months from the effective date of the PPAs i.e. July 12, 2024.
Tariff Rate | September 15, 2023 | By EI News Network | 2107
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