TAG: "tariff order "
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Approves Tariff Revision for FY 2024-25

One of the notable aspects of the tariff revision is the utilization of marginal surplus identified for FY 2024-25 for readjustments across different tariff categories.
Tariff Order | March 01, 2024 | By Abha Rustagi | 1967
Ministry of Power Releases Revised Guidelines for Wind-Solar Hybrid Projects

The updated guidelines maintain the flexibility of placing solar and wind projects at the same or different locations, with the added provision for integrating energy storage. Notably, the minimum bid capacity has been adjusted to differentiate between intra-state and inter-state projects.
Tariff Order | August 23, 2023 | By EI News Network | 1894

This extension executes solar power projects made under the Mukhyamantri Saur Swarojgar Yojna (MSSY) Program, covering a duration of three years until March 31, 2026.
Tariff Order | August 19, 2023 | By EI News Network | 1914
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