TAG: "sustainable energy growth"


Garanti BBVA Launches New Fund to Expedite Investments in RE Sector in Turkey

As per Garanti BBVA estimates, by 2035, renewable energy plants will form around 74 percent of Turkey’s overall installed capacity, targeting to attain net-zero emissions before 2053.

Sustainable Energy Growth | July 17, 2023 | By EI News Network 1583

TheGreenBillions and IASA Announce Expansion Plans in Sustainable Energy Solutions in Australia

TheGreenBillions is looking to invest in sustainable solutions and green hydrogen and set up plants that can extract clean and green hydrogen from biomass and municipal solid waste.

Sustainable Energy Growth | March 14, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal 2131

Tata Power Renewables Commissions 2x50 MW Solar Projects in UP

Utility giant Tata Power’s renewables arm Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd (TPREL) has commissioned two solar power projects of 50 MW each at Prayagraj, and Banda in the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP).

Sustainable Energy Growth | January 17, 2022 | By Manu Tayal 2793


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