TAG: "supplying electricity "


Mahindra Susten and GUVNL Ink 200 MW Solar PPA for Tenure of 25 Years

The project, linked to the interstate transmission grid (ISTS), will supply electricity to GUVNL at a rate of INR 2.72 /kWh.

Supplying Electricity | August 11, 2023 | By EI News Network 1558

Tata Power-DDL conducts Extensive Safety Awareness Drive Ahead of Festive Season

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited, a pioneering power utility supplying electricity to a populace of over 7 million in North Delhi, is organising an extensive safety drive for its consumers and staff to reduce the chances of electricity-related mishaps.

Supplying Electricity | November 01, 2021 | By News Bureau 2851


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