TAG: "South Asia Forum for Distributed Energy"


GOGLA and SAFDE Collaboration to Scale Productive Use of RE in Asia and Africa

The partnership provides GOGLA with funding of EUR 4 million over four years to help the off-grid solar sector to advance solar PURE technologies that can help modernize agriculture, improve food and water security, power micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and electrify health infrastructure.

South Asia Forum For Distributed Energy | August 25, 2023 | By News Bureau 1817

SAFDE Explores Decentralized Solar Solutions for Energy Access and Resilience

The discussion themes at the South Asia Forum for Distributed Energy (SAFDE) held on August 23 included in-depth conversations on productive use of renewable energy, weak grid market-based solutions, supply chain challenges and SDG goals.

South Asia Forum For Distributed Energy | August 24, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal 1688


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