TAG: "solar tree"


PEDA Invites E-Tender for Installation of PV Solar Trees

The Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) has announced an invitation for e-tender for a comprehensive project that includes the site survey, design, supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of fixed Photovoltaic Solar Trees in the state.

Solar Tree | August 03, 2024 | By News Bureau 767

CSIR-CMERI Registers Name in Guinness Book of World Records for Developing World’s Largest Solar Tree

In a bid to promote the usage of solar energy, CSIR’s Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CMERI) has developed the world’s largest ‘solar tree’ that can be used to convert solar energy to electricity.  

Solar Tree | March 14, 2022 | By Manu Tayal 2315


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