TAG: "Silicon Valley"
Dr Peter Pyun to Lead Digital Transformation of LG Energy’s Battery Manufacturing Units Globally

South Korean lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery manufacturer LG Energy Solution has appointed Dr. Peter Kyungsuk Pyun as its new Chief Digital Officer (CDO) as the company ramps up efforts to digitally transform its entire global facilities into data-centric operations.
Silicon Valley | February 21, 2022 | By Manu Tayal | 2264
Ohmium, IITMRP Ink R&D Pact to Accelerate PEM Electrolyzer Performance Enhancements, Cost Reductions

PEM Electrolyzer specialist Ohmium International has entered into an R&D partnership with IIT Madras Research Park (IITMRP), India’s first university-based research park, to accelerate the production implementation of PEM electrolyzer technology enhancements.
Silicon Valley | January 18, 2022 | By Manu Tayal | 2686
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