TAG: "Renewable Generation Obligation "

The Ministry of Power has unveiled a draft notification outlining plans to drastically reduce the Renewable Generation Obligation (RGO) for upcoming coal and lignite-based power plants in India.
Renewable Generation Obligation | October 11, 2023 | By News Bureau | 1962
Power Minister Chairs RPM Meeting with States and State Power Utilities in New Delhi

Various reforms recently undertaken in the power sector like renewable generation obligation, mandatory resource adequacy planning and rationalisation of open access charges were discussed during the meeting.
Renewable Generation Obligation | July 12, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal | 1993
NTPC Green Energy and UPRVUNL Collaborate to Progress Renewable Energy Parks in Uttar Pradesh

Under the agreement, the firms will join hands on the set-up of ground-mounted and floating solar projects in many locations, comprising the Rihand reservoir and other suitable water bodies and land areas.
Renewable Generation Obligation | June 02, 2023 | By EI News Network | 1643
Power Ministry Issues Renewable Generation Obligation for Thermal Plants

As per the revised Tariff Policy issued under the Electricity Act, 2003, thermal generating stations have to either install or procure renewable energy equal to a minimum of 40 percent of their capacity.
Renewable Generation Obligation | March 07, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal | 2412
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