TAG: " pandemic"
Tata Power DDL Celebrates Second Edition of Lineman Diwas

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited a leading utility supplying electricity to a populace of 7 million in North Delhi, celebrated Lineman Diwas, with an aim to recognize the tireless efforts of the most important pillar of power distribution - the linemen and ground maintenance staff.
Pandemic | March 07, 2022 | By News Bureau | 2356
Post Budget 2022, Auto Engineer Jobs Witness 7% Uptick in February: Report

The Automotive industry in India, given the impeccable growth of the Electric Vehicles (EV) market over the past year, has witnessed mushrooming demand for talent.
Pandemic | March 05, 2022 | By News Bureau | 2212
Power Sector CPSUs Work on Multipronged Strategies to Ensure Employees Safety amidst Pandemic

The Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) under the Ministry of Power has been working out multipronged strategies for reaching out to every employee situated across the country and also to the neighbouring community amidst pandemic.
Pandemic | May 17, 2021 | By Manu Tayal | 2079
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