TAG: "oxygen concentrators"
Servotech, Smart Power India to Deploy Solar Projects in Rural India

With an objective to educate and encourage the rural communities in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, and Jharkhand, to embrace and adopt the use of solar-powered solutions for enabling consistent electrification and access, Servotech Power Systems Limited signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Smart Power India.
Oxygen Concentrators | February 01, 2022 | By News Bureau | 2496
Greenko Group Airlifts First Consignment of 1,000 Large Medical Grade Oxygen Concentrators

Hyderabad-based renewable energy developer Greenko group said that it has received the first consignment of large medical grade oxygen concentrators as the first of the five dedicated cargo planes landed in Hyderabad with 200 large medical grade Oxygen concentrators.
Oxygen Concentrators | May 17, 2021 | By Manu Tayal | 2172
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