TAG: "net-zero carbon dioxide emissions"


Impala and Exor Join Forces with Tagenergy to Further Accelerate Renewable and Energy Storage Sectors

The company is to achieve 5GW of renewable assets, under construction or operation, by 2027 in nations that have made a long-term commitment to decarbonise their economies.

Net-zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions | July 19, 2023 | By EI News Network 2087

Amp Energy India Bags USD 250 Million Financing from SMBC Bank of Japan, ICG and AIIB for Development of Renewable Projects

The transaction will be declared and the proceeds will be utilised to run the company’s expansion plans.

Net-zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions | June 12, 2023 | By EI News Network 2230

Cambodia Commits to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050

Cambodia begins the new year as the first nation in Southeast Asia to publish a plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Net-zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions | January 18, 2022 | By News Bureau 2337


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