TAG: "N Venu"
Hitachi Energy’s HVDC Link to be Used for Evacuating RE Power from Khavda to Nagpur

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. has awarded a consortium of Hitachi Energy India and BHEL the ±800 kV, 6,000 MW HVDC project to transmit renewable energy from Gujarat's Khavda to Maharashtra's Nagpur, spanning over 1,200 km.
N Venu | November 26, 2024 | By Mrinmoy Dey | 1137
Hitachi Energy India Demonstrates Robust Performance in Q3 2023

The company reported a solid YoY and QoQ revenue growth of 23 percent and 3.9 percent, respectively, reaching INR 1,276.4 crore in revenue for the quarter ending December 31, 2023.
N Venu | January 25, 2024 | By Abha Rustagi | 1821
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