TAG: "Liquid Cooling "
Bounce Infinity Rolls Out Portable Liquid-Cooled Battery for E-Scooters with Clean Electric

Bounce Infinity has claimed to have introduced India’s first portable liquid-cooled battery technology in collaboration with Clean Electric.
Liquid Cooling | April 11, 2024 | By Aishwarya | 1632
JinkoSolar to Deliver 15.48MWh Storage System in Japan

JinkoSolar announced to deliver 15.48MWh storage system to the GWI’ s Tiger Neo + ESS utility project in Japan, including 72 sets of 215kWh liquid cooling containerized energy storage system SunGiga.
Liquid Cooling | December 26, 2023 | By News Bureau | 1405
CATL Showcase its Liquid-Cooling CTP Energy Storage Solutions at WSEW

CATL highlights its advanced liquid-cooling CTP energy storage solutions as it makes its first appearance at World Smart Energy Week, which is held from March 15 to 17 this year in Tokyo, Japan.
Liquid Cooling | March 18, 2023 | By News Bureau | 2647
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