TAG: "Kintech Synergy"


Prozeal, Ausom, Kintech, Enertech, SBB Mouldings, Drashta and SAEL Win GUVNL’s 500 MW Solar Auction

Prozeal Green Energy, Ausom Enterprise, Kintech Synergy, Enertech Fuel Solutions, S.B.B. Moulding, Drashta Green Power and SAEL Industries have emerged as winners in Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd.’s Phase XXV auction for 500 MW of grid-connected solar projects, with an additional 500 MW greenshoe option.

Kintech Synergy | December 19, 2024 | By Mrinmoy Dey 701

HG Infra, Bhilwara Energy, Kintech Synergy and Advait Infratech Win GUVNL’s 500 MW/1000 MWh BESS Auction

HG Infra Engineering, Bhilwara Energy, Kintech Synergy, and Advait Infratech have secured contracts in GUVNL’s 500 MW/1000 MWh BESS auction, which achieved an L1 tariff of INR 2.259 lakh per MW per month.

Kintech Synergy | November 30, 2024 | By Mrinmoy Dey 1210

IndiGrid, Kintech Synergy and HG Infra Engineering Win NVNN’s 500 MW/1000 MWh BESS Auction

IndiGrid 2 Ltd (250 MW), Kintech Synergy Pvt. Ltd. (65 MW) and HG Infra Engineering Ltd. (185 MW) have won NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam’s 500 MW/1000 MWh BESS auction at a tariff of about INR 2.37-2.38 lakh/MW/month.

Kintech Synergy | October 23, 2024 | By Mrinmoy Dey 1351


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