TAG: "JK Cement"


AmpIn Energy Transition Supplies 10MWp Solar Power from its 30MWp Solar Plant to JK Cement in UP

The forward-thinking partnership marks a significant milestone in India's transition towards clean energy sources & stands as a testament to the joint dedication of both companies to reshape India's energy landscape, reduce carbon footprint, and drive transformative progress in the realm of clean energy, especially in the infrastructure sector.

JK Cement | August 18, 2023 | By News Bureau 1651

JK Cement Signs PPA with CleanMax to Offtake 6.42MW Wind-Solar Energy

JK Cement has entered into a power purchase agreement (PPA) with CleanMax Enviro Energy Solutions for 6.42 MW wind – solar generation capacity in the state of Karnataka.

JK Cement | March 01, 2023 | By News Bureau 2155


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