TAG: "Indian Biogas Association"


5 Percent Biogas Blend to Cut USD 1.17B in LNG Imports: IBA

The CBO scheme is expected to attract investments of around INR 37,500 crore, facilitating the establishment of at least 750 compressed bio gas (CBG) projects by 2028-29.

Indian Biogas Association | December 04, 2023 | By Abha Rustagi 1866

REI Expo to Bring in Investment Worth Rs 800 Cr for Biogas Sector

Indian Biogas Association (IBA) announced that Renewable Energy India Expo 2022 will bring an investment opportunity worth Rs 800 crores.

Indian Biogas Association | September 17, 2022 | By News Bureau 2570


Can Government’s Commitment towards the Biogas Industry Result in Better Air Quality?

Air pollution has far-reaching effects not only on human lives and physical health but also on poverty and mental health. Particulate matter can travel deep inside the lungs and spread all over the body, causing numerous diseases. According to the re...

Indian Biogas Association | January 04, 2023 | By News Bureau 1444

The Current Contours of the Compressed Biogas

Compressed Biogas (CBG), which is similar to compressed natural gas, can play an important role in the energy mix as it has got multi-fold benefits. It can not only help in decreasing crude oil and natural gas imports for India but, at the same time,...

Indian Biogas Association | December 29, 2022 | By News Bureau 1482

Future Power Generation System in India – IBA Perspective

In the past few decades, the role of biogas has been viewed differently. Wet segregated biodegradable solid wastes from municipal, industrial, and agricultural sources have traditionally been treated with biogas, but more recently it has been used as...

Indian Biogas Association | August 09, 2022 | By News Bureau 1727


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