TAG: "HJT modules"


AISMA Announces Milestone of 60 GW Installed Solar Module Manufacturing Capacity

This marks a significant increase in capacity over the last few years, from less than 10 GW of low-wattage Polysilicon modules in FY 20-21, to the current 60 GW of high-wattage and technologically advanced Mono Perc, Topcon and HJT modules.

HJT Modules | November 09, 2023 | By News Bureau 1560

Risen Energy's Nanbin 15GW Manufacturing Base Commences Operation

Risen Energy has announced that the Hyper-ion heterojunction (HJT) solar module produced by the Company's Nanbin 15GW manufacturing base (Phase-1) has rolled off the assembly line.

HJT Modules | August 19, 2023 | By News Bureau 1389

Huasun With INERCOM Signs Agreement of Supplying 1.5 GW Ultra High Efficient HJT Modules

Anhui Huasun Energy Co., Ltd has once again reached a cooperation with INERCOM Ltd and signed a framework agreement for supplying HJT modules.

HJT Modules | April 13, 2023 | By News Bureau 1905


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