GRIDCO Invites Bids for 500 MW Energy Storage Capacity in Odisha

The selected bidder will be responsible for supplying power to GRIDCO for a period of 5 years from a technology-agnostic energy storage system (ESS), starting from April 1, 2026.
GRIDCO | March 27, 2024 | By Abha Rustagi | 1090
Odisha Energy Department Elevates Renewable Energy Development with 'Go Green' Portal Launch

This user-friendly platform will serve as a one-stop solution for prospective renewable energy (RE) developers, expediting the clearance process and enhancing monitoring of RE project approvals.
GRIDCO | October 11, 2023 | By News Bureau | 1730
Four Renewable Power Projects Approved in Odisha

These comprise two solar power projects of 50 MW each, a wind power project of 50 MW and a waste-to-energy (bio-methanation) project of Rourkela Municipal Corporation with an investment of INR 890 crore.
GRIDCO | July 10, 2023 | By EI News Network | 1558
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