TAG: "Green Climate Fund"
AIIB Finances Second Wind Power Project in Southern Kazakhstan

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has signed a USD36 million loan agreement for the development, construction and operation of a 100-megawatt (MW) wind power plant in the Zhambyl region of Southern Kazakhstan.
Green Climate Fund | November 08, 2023 | By News Bureau | 1375
EBRD and GCF to Fund USD 100 Mn to Red Sea Wind Energy for New Wind Farm in Gulf of Suez Area

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) continues its support for Egypt’s green transition by issuing a senior secured loan of up to US$ 100 million to Red Sea Wind Energy.
Green Climate Fund | April 07, 2023 | By News Bureau | 2112
Lightsmith Group Closes Inaugural $186 Million Growth Equity Climate Fund

Lightsmith Group, a global sustainable private equity firm, is pleased to announce the final closing of Lightsmith Climate Resilience Partners SCSp RAIF with $186 million of commitments.
Green Climate Fund | February 01, 2022 | By News Bureau | 2488
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