TAG: "FirstLight Power"


FirstLight Power, Fermata Energy, and Skyview Ventures Partner to Launch First Ever Vehicle-to-Grid Charging Platform in Western Massachusetts

FirstLight Power, Fermata Energy, Skyview Ventures, State Representative Susannah M. Whipps (2nd Franklin), and other elected and appointed officials celebrated a clean energy milestone – the installation of the first ever vehicle-to-grid (V2G) bidirectional charging stations in Western Massachusetts.

FirstLight Power | September 09, 2022 | By News Bureau 2956

FirstLight Power and DHD Enter Partnership to Develop Suite of Clean Energy Assets

FirstLight Power, a leading clean provider of renewable energy and energy storage resources, announced that the company has partnered with Davis Hill Development (DHD) to develop a suite of solar, energy storage and hybrid assets in Connecticut to operate both independently and in coordination with FirstLight’s existing fleet of hydropower assets.

FirstLight Power | February 18, 2022 | By News Bureau 2199


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