TAG: "final investment decision (FID)"


CIP Starts Construction on 300 MW Onshore Wind Project with Envision in Karnataka

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) through its Growth Markets Fund I (CI GMF I) have taken final investment decision (FID) on a 300 MW onshore wind project in India together with Viviid Renewables (Viviid), an Indian developer and balance-of-plant service provider.

Final Investment Decision (FID) | January 08, 2024 | By News Bureau 1692

Shell Invests in Whale Development in Gulf of Mexico

Shell Offshore, a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell, announced the final investment decision (FID) for Whale, a deep-water development in the US Gulf of Mexico that features a 99% replicated hull and an 80% replication of the topsides from our Vito project.

Final Investment Decision (FID) | July 27, 2021 | By News Bureau 2111


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