TAG: "feedstock"


Chevron Renewable Energy Group Initiates Expansion Project in Germany for Lower Carbon Feedstock

This expansion benefits both Emden and Oeding facilities by refining low-carbon intensity feedstocks, including 'Generation 3' as defined in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II.

Feedstock | August 30, 2023 | By EI News Network 1603

BPCL to Outlay INR 49,000 Crores in Petrochemicals and Renewable Project at Bina Refinery

The project involves the set-up of an ethylene cracker complex, downstream petrochemical plants, along with the augmentation of the refinery potential from 7.8 MMTPA to 11 MMTPA and correlated amenities at Bina refinery.

Feedstock | May 18, 2023 | By EI News Network 2040

GAIL Inks MoU with Shell Energy India for Ethane Sourcing

The proposal towards diversification of the feedstock for its petrochemical plant, nation’s largest gas firm is perceiving import ethane from ethane-reserve nations with evolved export terminal framework.

Feedstock | March 21, 2023 | By EI News Network 2292


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