TAG: "Energy Efficient Lighting"


EESL has Installed 1.28 crore LED Street Lights, Informs RK Singh

Under SLNP, EESL had set an objective of converting around 1.34 crore existing conventional street lights across all urban local bodies or gram panchayats of the country with energy efficient LED street lights in five years.

Energy Efficient Lighting | April 10, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal 2318

EKI Energy Wins Second Tender from ISCDL to Monetize its Climate Initiatives

BSE-listed carbon credits developer and supplier EKI Energy Services Ltd (EKIESL) has won another tender from Indore Smart City Development Ltd (ISCDL) to monetize the carbon credits generated by the latter through numerous green initiatives.

Energy Efficient Lighting | January 27, 2022 | By Manu Tayal 2948


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