TAG: "electrolyzer technologies"


Horizon Fuel Cell to Start Electrolyser Assembly in India

Singapore-based Horizon Fuel Cell’s subsidiary, HET Hydrogen, and its JV, Indify Fuel Cell, plan to establish electrolyser assembly in India, targeting 100 MW annual production by 2026. This aligns with India’s Green Hydrogen Mission, focusing on decarbonising industries and transport.

Electrolyzer Technologies | September 11, 2024 | By EI News Network 1040

Oil India Limited Initiates 1 MW Green Hydrogen Project in Himachal Pradesh

According to the tender guidelines, potential bidders are required to submit proposals along with an INR 13.5 million earnest money deposit (EMD).

Electrolyzer Technologies | December 27, 2023 | By Abha Rustagi 1649


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