TAG: "Dogger Bank South "


Masdar Acquires 49 percent Shareholding in 3 GW Dogger Bank South Project

The planned £11 billion joint investment with RWE is expected to provide a huge boost to the UK economy and demonstrates the UAE’s commitment to supporting net-zero goals in Britain and around the world.

Dogger Bank South | March 04, 2024 | By News Bureau 1230

Masdar Joins Forces with RWE to Co-develop Massive 3GW Offshore Wind Projects in UK

Masdar is part of an £11 billion investment into the UK's renewable energy sector and is purchasing a 49 percent stake in RWE's 3 gigawatt (GW) Dogger Bank South (DBS) projects - which form one of the world's largest planned offshore wind farms.

Dogger Bank South | December 02, 2023 | By News Bureau 1627


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