TAG: "distributed energy resources"
Stem to Provide Smart Energy Storage Services to NineDot Energy

Stem Inc., announced the Company has entered into an agreement to provide smart energy storage services to NineDot Energy.
Distributed Energy Resources | January 28, 2022 | By News Bureau | 2173
Endurant Energy Completes Acquisition of Battery Energy Storage Systems

Endurant Energy, a full-service distributed energy resources developer and owner, announced the completed acquisition of the battery energy storage systems that Endurant developed for Con Edison’s Demonstration Project across New York City.
Distributed Energy Resources | January 14, 2022 | By News Bureau | 2253
Yokogawa Electric Corporation Acquired Outstanding Shares of PXiSE Energy Solutions

Yokogawa Electric Corporation announces it has acquired all of the outstanding shares of PXiSE Energy Solutions LLC., a San Diego-based developer of software that enables utilities and other grid operators to deliver reliable and stable power by managing renewables and distributed energy resources (DERs) in real time.
Distributed Energy Resources | December 06, 2021 | By News Bureau | 2234
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