TAG: "DC electric power"


C-DAC Launches Model EV Charging Station and Hardware Emulation Facility

This center will have various AC and DC fast chargers for vehicles ranging from 2W to Heavy vehicles and play a crucial role in catalyzing an ecosystem for the promotion of the charging infrastructure with indigenous EV chargers research, development, commercialization, and manufacturing through industries.

DC Electric Power | August 26, 2024 | By Aishwarya 1032

Bluebird Solar Powers Veekay Polycoats with 1.7 MW Rooftop Solar Installation in Rajasthan

This system is expected to generate approximately 2.448 GWh of energy annually, utilizing a combination of Bluebird 400 Wp Mono PERC and 550 Wp Mono Half-Cut PV modules.

DC Electric Power | July 18, 2024 | By Abha Rustagi 1040


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