TAG: "crystalline silicon "


LONGi Announces 27.09 percent Efficiency for Crystalline Silicon HBC Solar Cell

LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. announced that it has set a new world record of 27.09% for the efficiency of crystalline silicon heterojunction back-contact (HBC) solar cells, certified by the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) in Germany.

Crystalline Silicon | December 21, 2023 | By News Bureau 1410

First Solar Declares Limited Production Run of World’s First Bifacial Thin Film PV Module

Series 6 Plus monofacial module attributes 0.3 percent warranted degradation rate, higher temperature coefficient, spectral response, and shading behavior, and an anti-reflective coating to augment energy production.

Crystalline Silicon | June 19, 2023 | By EI News Network 1599

Solis Seminar, Episode 24: PV Panel Micro-Crack Problems and Identification Methods

PID effect, micro-cracks, and hot spots are three important factors that can affect the performance of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules. Among them, PID effect and hot spots usually appear after installation and operation of PV panels for a period of time.

Crystalline Silicon | June 19, 2021 | By News Bureau 2510


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