TAG: "CO2e emissions"


Sunsure Begins Solar Power Supply to APL and Apollo Metalex in UP

Sunsure will be supplying 10.5 million units of renewable energy annually to both the companies from Sunsure’s plant in Mahoba, U.P., helping them to collectively offset 7,500 metric tonnes of CO2e emissions annually, augmenting their sustainability efforts.

CO2e Emissions | July 31, 2024 | By News Bureau 1169

ARE Announces its Bold Energy Compact at the UN HLDE2021 Ministerial Forums

As part of its Energy Compact, Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) has pledged to enable the private sector to deliver sustainable electricity services to at least 500 million additional people in its three focus regions, catalyse the creation of at least 5 million green jobs, and avoid at least 1 billion tonnes of CO2e emissions by 2030.

CO2e Emissions | July 01, 2021 | By Manu Tayal 1995


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