TAG: "Climate Policy Initiative "


Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance Collaborates with IIT Madras and Climate Policy Initiative Organizes G20 Side Event

The Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with Climate Policy Initiative and IIT Madras’ School of Sustainability jointly organised a Roundtable Discussion titled ‘Mobilizing Climate Finance in India for Mitigation and Adaptation’.

Climate Policy Initiative | June 20, 2023 | By News Bureau 2036

CPI Joins Hands with Power Foundation to Work for India’s Energy Transition

The MOU signed between CPI and Power Foundation reinforces each organisation’s commitment to a sustainable energy future in India. The proposed areas of collaboration include deployment of distributed renewable energy among other commitments.

Climate Policy Initiative | March 17, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal 2100

Lightsmith Group Closes Inaugural $186 Million Growth Equity Climate Fund

Lightsmith Group, a global sustainable private equity firm, is pleased to announce the final closing of Lightsmith Climate Resilience Partners SCSp RAIF with $186 million of commitments.

Climate Policy Initiative | February 01, 2022 | By News Bureau 2488


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