TAG: "Celgard"

Celgard, LLC, a subsidiary of Polypore International, LP announce that it has entered into a strategic alliance agreement with C4V to advance the development of next-generation, high-performance, high-voltage battery cells.
Celgard | March 01, 2023 | By News Bureau | 2174
Celgard Enters into Exclusive Joint Development Agreement With Morrow

Celgard, LLC (Celgard), a subsidiary of Polypore International, LP, announce it has entered into a multi-year joint development agreement with Morrow Batteries AS (Morrow).
Celgard | November 08, 2022 | By News Bureau | 1823
Celgard Enters into Agreement for High-Performance LFP Battery Separator Technology with ABF

Celgard, LLC (Celgard), a subsidiary of Polypore International, LP, (Polypore) is announced it has entered into a strategic alliance agreement with American Battery Factory (ABF).
Celgard | August 23, 2022 | By News Bureau | 1854
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