TAG: "capacity utilization factor"


Ministry of Power Releases Revised Guidelines for Wind-Solar Hybrid Projects

The updated guidelines maintain the flexibility of placing solar and wind projects at the same or different locations, with the added provision for integrating energy storage. Notably, the minimum bid capacity has been adjusted to differentiate between intra-state and inter-state projects.

Capacity Utilization Factor | August 23, 2023 | By EI News Network 1894

BluPine and ACME Secure Order in RUVNL’s 1200 MW Solar Power with Storage Auction Tender in India

BluPine Energy secured 100 MW with a competitive tariff of INR 6.68/kWh, while ACME Solar concluded 500 MW out of the 600 MW initially quoted, at a tariff of INR 6.69/kWh.

Capacity Utilization Factor | August 10, 2023 | By EI News Network 2436

Ministry of Power Releases New Bidding Guidelines for Grid-Connected Solar Projects

These guidelines apply to all forthcoming solar projects, with or without energy storage, highlighting a significant inclusion as the earlier guidelines lacked provisions relevant to energy storage.

Capacity Utilization Factor | August 09, 2023 | By EI News Network 2218


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