TAG: "Bhagwanth Khuba "


SAFDE Explores Decentralized Solar Solutions for Energy Access and Resilience

The discussion themes at the South Asia Forum for Distributed Energy (SAFDE) held on August 23 included in-depth conversations on productive use of renewable energy, weak grid market-based solutions, supply chain challenges and SDG goals.

Bhagwanth Khuba | August 24, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal 1688

MNRE Organises Review Meeting with States on Progress of Renewable Energy Schemes

The meeting was attended by principal secretaries (energy), secretaries of power and new & renewable energy from states and UTs besides senior officials from CEA, Power Grid, PFC, REC, CTU and Grid Controller of India.

Bhagwanth Khuba | May 25, 2023 | By Anurima Mondal 1888


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