TAG: "Anode Material"


Toshiba, Sojitz and CBMM Develop Next-Gen Lithium-ion Batteries with NTO Anodes

Toshiba Corporation and Sojitz Corporation of Japan, and Brazil’s CBMM have developed a next-generation lithium-ion battery that uses niobium titanium oxide (NTO) in the anode.

Anode Material | June 20, 2024 | By Aishwarya 1125

LG Energy Solution and NOVONIX Collaborates to Develop Artificial Graphite Anode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries

In a separate agreement, NOVONIX has agreed to issue an aggregate principal amount of US$30 million unsecured convertible notes to LG Energy Solution.

Anode Material | June 13, 2023 | By News Bureau 2034


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