TAG: "American Depositary Shares"


JinkoSolar Board Okays up to $200 Mn Share Repurchase Program

JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. announced that its board of directors (Board) has approved a share repurchase program, which authorizes the Company to repurchase up to US$200 million of its ordinary shares represented by American depositary shares (ADSs) during an 18-month period.

American Depositary Shares | July 07, 2022 | By News Bureau 2109

ReneSola Power Authorizes $50 million Share Repurchase

ReneSola Ltd., announced that its board of directors has authorized the repurchase of up to $50 million of the company's outstanding American Depositary Shares.

American Depositary Shares | December 07, 2021 | By News Bureau 1893


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