TAG: "amenities"


Michelin Inks Power Purchase Agreement with CleanMax Enviro to Expand Use of Renewable Energy to 37 Percent

The Chennai factory unit has undertaken several steps towards preserving and supporting lower emissions as part of the 4R strategy - reduce, reuse, recycle and renew.

Amenities | June 22, 2023 | By EI News Network 2166

BPCL to Outlay INR 49,000 Crores in Petrochemicals and Renewable Project at Bina Refinery

The project involves the set-up of an ethylene cracker complex, downstream petrochemical plants, along with the augmentation of the refinery potential from 7.8 MMTPA to 11 MMTPA and correlated amenities at Bina refinery.

Amenities | May 18, 2023 | By EI News Network 2040

Walmart Declares its Plan To Establish EV Charging Station Across the USA Stores

This plan highlights the recent investment in efforts to transform business and product supply chains to be more regenerative, in this instance minimise emissions and rise efficiencies for consumers.

Amenities | April 07, 2023 | By EI News Network 2034


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